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Our Vision

I invite you to share my vision for the future for children everywhere.

A drawing of three kids, standing together, happyMy special dream is to set up a flexible* programme for the Real Me Workshop suitable to be used in schools worldwide (be it a mud hut or central New York), I want as many children as possible to have the opportunity to develop real self-confidence by discovering the power of their natural gifts and talents, and by feeling good about themselves as a result. The final part of the workshop of course is choosing and completing a challenging project they would love to do, proving to themselves what they can achieve, probably more than they ever thought possible.

*can be easily amended for different groups and locations

I want to work with and take advice and feedback from, local and world educators, to make "The Magic Sunglasses" and its concepts, part of the global community's framework for empowering children to reach their potential in living happy lives.

I dream of a worldwide community of children who have learnt how to value themselves and to use their potential, to live personally successful lives and contribute to the success of others.

I pray for a generation of individuals who grow up with a natural respect for others regardless of race, religion or cultural background. This new generation will be actively practising self-sufficiency and support for others from a young age, forming a pattern for life, contributing to global understanding and world peace.

I would love to hear from anyone who would like to work with me in achieving this. Click here to email me.



"Kids might think they need magic or something but this story is how you can do it without magic – have confidence"
Samuel, Age 10

Kids will know just because people don’t encourage them or they are shy they can still be amazing!!"
Saphia, Age 9

It makes people feel more confident and brave in what they want to do
Tobias, Age 11

It makes children love their own special value and work hard to become who they want to be
Saeda, Age 11

It doesn’t matter if people say you can't – you just need faith in yourself – work hard and never give up
Hamzu, Age 11